What does your skin in the type of preparation and processing depends on its type - and that depends on texture, color and condition.
There are three textures - oily, dry and balanced (often referred to as normal), the skins of many are a combination of oily and dry. Colour influences texture while any condition of the skin may be sensitive or defective. To determine the type of skin, the skin thoroughly with a magnifying glass to strong light, examine them closely.
Oil - caused byOverproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands.
It usually affects the skin darker, but also a fair skin tend to fade away. Skin glows constantly, is rough and has pores. It 'points are often plagued by occasional blacks, skin rashes, and is particularly prone to acne.
It remains to be younger longer, has a few wrinkles and usually improves with age. The attempt to remove all oils from the skin only encourages greater gland activity.
It 'important to remove only the excess oil fromthe surface so that a sufficient amount to avoid an excess of activity.
Excited to treatment with harsh soap or body wash, the skin is often dry, scaly skin leaving a single state.
Dry - three different things to dry skin: dehydration, insufficient amount of oil secretion and aging.
It affects 85% of all light-skinned women. The skin is usually a fine texture, but looks and feels tight and drawn. And cracks, shells and scales easily, and alsoearly age may show wrinkles and fine lines, especially around the eyes and mouth.
This has contributed to this condition are the following: use of fake cosmetics, soaps strong exposure to the sun and wind, air conditioning, heating and air.
One of the most important steps in dealing with dry skin is to try to prevent further dehydration of moisture seal. The lack of natural lubricating oils rich outside must be compensated.
Balanced - exists when there are oil, moisture and acidharmonious.
And 'ideal, but rare. The skin is finely structured, with no visible pores, smooth to the touch, not wet or greasy. It has a tendency to dry out more with time, so you need to help maintain the status quo.
Combination - This is really the skin in the transition between dry and oily. You are too much oil in the T-region of the forehead, nose and chin, the rest is dry particularly around the eyes and cheeks.
The dry and oily areas should be examined separately.
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